Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough

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360 Kč
360 Kč
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449 Kč
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A fascinating and entertaining collection of facts, quotes and stories, celebrating Sir David Attenborough's wicked sense of humour and astute wisdom.

David Attenborough is a national treasure, known for his soothing voice, calming presence, passion for the natural world, and his humble, easy-going nature. Despite his incredible talent and influence, he tends to play it all down, one time stating that, 'I can't believe I'm still employed'.

So if he won't celebrate himself, we'll have to do it for him.

Filled with facts, tributes and anecdotes, as well as beautiful illustrations, this enormously positive book celebrates Sir David, providing a fascinating insight into his life as well as showcasing his brilliant sense of humour. Running chronologically, this book begins with his early days, to his first job at the BBC, to eventually becoming the most esteemed naturalist on the planet, as he is today.

Such revelations include:
- There are 18 plants and animals named after him
- When asked by a reporter how many degrees he had, he said it would be 'rude to count'*
- The single thing that would improve his quality of life is 'good, workable knees'.

Blending his quips galore with his powerful messages on the environment and future of the planet, this timely book showcases everything we love about Sir David, making it the perfect gift for any fan.

* He has over thirty!

About the Author

Writer Chas Newkey-Burden is the author of over 30 books including Great Email Disasters and a best-selling biography of Amy Winehouse. His magazine work has included interviewing celebrities like David Beckham and Ricky Gervais.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 272
Formát: 20,3 x 25,4 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough
Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough
Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough
Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough

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