Collection: Umění

Umění je pro každého. Nemusíte ho studovat, ani nemusíte trávit víkendy v galeriích, aby vás obohatilo. Pokud byste mu ale rádi porozuměli třeba jen o kapku lépe, jste na správném místě.


Showing 129 of 129 products



Showing 129 of 129 products

Showing 129 of 129 products
  • Prague Sketchbook - Tom Mairs, Jaroslav Kalfar
    One of Europe’s most beautiful cities is celebrated through the talents of artist Tom MairsThe city of Prague, the ca...
    Běžná cena
    890 Kč
    890 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • The 12 Steps. Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery
    Drawing on art, literature, and scientific research, scholar and therapist Kikan Massara delves into the Twelve Steps...
    Běžná cena
    940 Kč
    940 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • The Book of HOV: Tribute to Jay-Z
    The Classic Edition of The Book of HOV is presented in JAY-Z blue, a color that has become a symbol of his vision and...
    Běžná cena
    3 050 Kč
    3 050 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Four Seasons
    Each Four Seasons destination is a distinctive experience, yet all properties are united under the philosophy that ex...
    Běžná cena
    3 050 Kč
    3 050 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Japan Style
    The authoritative and wide-ranging visual essay on the aesthetics of Japan, a classic volume now back in print with a...
    Běžná cena
    1 090 Kč
    1 090 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • The Talks - No Idea Is Final: Quotes from the Creative Voices of our Time
    An inspiring collection of quotes from The Talks, a much-loved online magazine featuring candid interviews with visio...
    Běžná cena
    890 Kč
    890 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Banksy Wisdom, Giulia Manzi, Sabina De Gregori
    Dive into the world of Banksy with this exclusive card deck. With the iconic works of the elusive artist, along with ...
    Běžná cena
    599 Kč
    599 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Hiroshige: Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces
    This elegant volume showcases Hiroshige's exquisite scenes of 19th-century Japan in a format that honors the Japanese...
    Běžná cena
    799 Kč
    799 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Creation: Art Since the Beginning
    A fully illustrated, panoramic world history of art from ancient civilisation to the present day, exploring the remar...
    Běžná cena
    949 Kč
    949 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Where Art Meets Nature: The Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden
    An up-to-date survey of the stunning sculpture collection at the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at the Ne...
    Běžná cena
    1 312 Kč
    1 312 Kč
    Běžná cena
    1 640 Kč
  • Plant Magick. The Library of Esoterica
    The fourth volume in The Library of Esoterica explores the historic roots of plants in myth and magickal practices. T...
    Běžná cena
    760 Kč
    760 Kč
    Běžná cena
    949 Kč
  • Tracey Emin Paintings
    The first serious study on the paintings of the female icon and one of the most celebrated British artists, Tracey Em...
    Běžná cena
    2 490 Kč
    2 490 Kč
    Běžná cena

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