Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World

Běžná cena
28 900 Kč
28 900 Kč
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As a mere promenade, St Peter’s is unequalled. It is better than the Boulevards, than Piccadilly or Broadway, and if it were not the most beautiful place in the world, it would be the most entertaining.

— Henry James, Transatlantic Sketches, 1873


More than just an enclave within the city of Rome, the Vatican is a complex city-state that for many people still conjures up notions of secrecy. The Vatican has always exercised powers of fascination and seduction over us, with its history stretching back nearly twenty centuries, its spirituality, its scandals and its enigmas. As a fantasy world, it has inspired cinematic visions from Federico Fellini’s Roma to Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather: Part III and Paolo Sorrentino’s The New Pope. But what is the real Vatican?

With nearly three hundred popes and antipopes, not to mention a fictitious female pope, among these figures there are a few saints and many sinners. To borrow an ancient image, the Vatican is like Noah’s Ark, containing animals of all kinds, both pure and impure. From the Roman Catholic Church’s earliest developments under Emperor Constantine, to the notorious popes who nevertheless cultivated the artistic flowering of the Renaissance, to modern-day pontiffs who must navigate the media and issues of social and political sensitivity, the Vatican has endured through historical upheavals and religious schisms, acquiring an unprecedented level of prestige and carving out a presence for itself on the diplomatic stage.

Illustrated with archival images and dramatic photography, this handcrafted Ultimate Collection volume features insightful texts by renowned journalist Caroline Pigozzi, a specialist in Vatican history, and historian Giovanni Maria Vian, former editor in chief of L’Osservatore Romano newspaper, revealing hidden stories that have unfolded within these labyrinthine corridors.


Complimentary white gloves and a signature canvas tote bag are included with each purchase from Assouline's Ultimate Collection


  • PAGE COUNT 242 pages
  • WEIGHT 21.4 lb
  • RELEASED ON November 2022
  • DIMENSIONS W 15.7 x L 19 x D 3.2 in
  • COVER MATERIALS Handcrafted volume in a velvet clamshell case with metal plate tip-on
  • AUTHOR Text by Caroline Pigozzi and Giovanni Maria Vian
  • IN THE DETAILS Ultimate Collection curates culture from around the world and across the ages. Hand-bound using traditional techniques, with color plates hand-tipped on art-quality paper, each page of this limited-edition series bears the unique imprint of the artisan.
  • PUBLISHER Assouline

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Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World
Vatican: A Private Visit to the Secret World

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