This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel

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845 Kč
845 Kč
Běžná cena
1 690 Kč
Včetně daní a balného

Making and assembling a dessert is a journey. It's a considered process, a visual translation of culinary thoughts, and a transformation of an idea to a 2D plan and finally a 3D reality.

Most of us own a collection of recipe books and some of them are very familiar to us, part of our kitchen stapples even. But how do all the chefs come up with those recipes? What are their inspirations and how do they bring them to life?

Chef Tal Spiegel book - This is not a recipe book - takes you through creativity and culinary exploration, into a finalized creation. With over 15 years of experience in design and patisserie, Spiegel will give you a glimpse into how his brain works, and how simple ideas are developed into concepts and creations.

"I want to teach people not only how to make my creations, but mainly to inspire them to create their own by learning to develop their own creative process" - Tal Spiegel

In his works, Spiegel combines the design codes he acquired over the years and applies them to the world of patisserie with an emphasis on colours, structure and composition.

Tal Spiegel is a Paris-based pastry chef, originally from Tel Aviv. In his work, Spiegel teaches masterclasses around the world, and creates conceptual desserts for brands that have a keen emphasis on design and creativity. His signature recipes are about combining Mediterranean flavours into that art of French pastry. Spiegel is a Ferrandi Culinary School graduate.

Spiegel's professional career started in the graphic design world, graduating from one of the best design schools in Israel . However, after working for a few years in McCann Erickson advertising agency, as an art director and graphic designer, Spiegel decided it was time to combine his two passions - design & patisserie. He moved to Paris to complete his patisserie studies and become a "pastry chef designer".


  •  Hardback | 256 pages
  •  230 x 300 x 27mm | 1,800g

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This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel
This is not a recipe book - Tal Spiegel

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