Ronan Bouroullec

Běžná cena
952 Kč
952 Kč
Běžná cena
1 190 Kč
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A stunning and inspiring visual inventory from one the most creative and popular designers working today

French designer Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on Instagram, where he has a huge and loyal following. Thousands of images from the archive  have been chronologically sequenced to illustrate his work and life in a fresh, new way.

Part visual diary, part catalog of his work, and with captions in both English and French, Ronan Bouroullec: Day After Day presents these images to a wider readership and offers an intimate and fascinating look into his life, vision, and creative process, offering a unique and vibrant insight into the work, perspective, and creative process of one of the most celebrated and creative design minds working today.


‘The book reads sort of like the earliest days of social media when documentation was the primary impetus for sharing images, a colorfully rendered and captioned timeline of the designer’s life, work, and inspirations.’ – Design Milk

‘An intimate monograph on [a] renowned designer.’ – Whitewall Magazine

‘[Explores] Ronan Bouroullec's rich visual world, ... looking at his everyday inspiration, domestic moments, studio work, and more.’ – Wallpaper* Magazine

‘This marvelous and long-awaited publication offers us, readers, an unprecedented opportunity: to be able to discover and explore what goes on in the mind of brilliant designer Ronan Bouroullec. To see his decade-long creativity, ingenuity, and playfulness unfold on hundreds of pages through photographs and images that inspire and feed his creative process is more than a privilege, it is a gift.’ – Laurent Le Bon, Président du Centre Pompidou

‘Works and days was a didactic poem written by ancient Greek poet Hesiod, a farmer's almanac Hesiod instructs his brother Perses in the agriculture arts. This is how Day after Day is a journey into Ronan's practice and professional landscape. It's a generous survey, a mosaic of actions and intentions, where we all are Ronan's brothers.’ – Marco Sammicheli, director of Museo del Design Italiano of Triennale Milano

‘I have known Ronan for twenty years and he still surprises me. Is he a designer, a painter, an architect, a scenographer, a photographer? He is a master of all these disciplines and combines them in a spectacular way. He is unique and Day By Day is the brilliant document of his uniqueness.’ – Rolf Fehlbaum, Chairman Emeritus of Vitra

‘A fascinating analysis of the work and thinking of the remarkable Ronan Bouroullec. By charting his practice through his choice of the thousands of photographs he has taken over the years, Ronan invites us to see it from his perspective.’ – Alice Rawsthorn, author of Design as an Attitude


About the Author

Ronan Bouroullec lives and works in Paris, France. He and his brother Erwan took the design world by storm with their first joint projects in the late 1990s and have continued to produce exceptional designs ever since. These unique products, along with Ronan’s working practices through drawings, sketches, models, and photographs, have led him to become one of the design world’s most inspirational creative figures. Bouroullec has a global reputation, and has worked with some of the world’s most prestigious design brands, including Artek, Alessi, Cappellini, Galerie kreo, Hay, Kartell, Kvadrat, Magis, Mattiazzi, Mutina, and Vitra. Ronan’s work has been shown at galleries worldwide, including: The Design Museum, UK; Galerie kreo, UK and France; Museum of Modern Art, USA; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA; Victoria & Albert Museum, UK; and Casa Mutina Milano, Italy.



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 456
Formát: 25 x 29 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec
Ronan Bouroullec

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