More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley

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3 290 Kč
3 290 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

The second monograph on the work of interior designer, architect and landscape designer Bill Bensley.

Bill Bensley's exuberant aesthetic is renowned around the world. Vanity Fair has described him as ‘the craziest sane designer in the world’, while Condé Nast Traveller hails him as a ‘master of fabulation’. Bensley's eponymous design studio, based in Bangkok and Bali, is most famous for its work on luxury hotels throughout Southeast Asia. Featuring detailed presentations of 12 of his most exciting, extravagant, outlandish and award-winning projects, this bold, large-format design monograph reflects Bensley’s theatrical style. In his own words, ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.’


About the Author

Bill Bensley is a gardener, fisherman, architect, interior designer, wide-ranging explorer and lover of all things natural. He was born in Orange County, California in 1959, when orange trees grew there. The day after graduating from Harvard, Bensley moved to Asia, where he went on to establish his own studio, BENSLEY, in Bangkok (1989) and Bali (1990). Since then, with his team of over 150 talented individuals, Bensley has designed more than 200 resorts, hotels and palaces in 30-plus countries.Suzy Annetta is the founding editor-in-chief of Design Anthology magazine, a Hong Kong–based independent publication that celebrates the burgeoning creative and cultural scene in Asia. She is the author of Design in Asia, also published by Thames & Hudson.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 512
Formát: 27,4 x 37,4 cm
Rok vydání: 2022

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More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley
More Escapism: Hotels, Resorts and Gardens around the World by Bill Bensley

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