Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art

Běžná cena
890 Kč
890 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

Unique and user-friendly techniques for figure drawing and understanding human anatomy

The third title from bestselling author Robert Osti, Drawing the Body is a highly accessible book that presents an engaging, systematized way to draw the human figure – from static, structural, and anatomical depictions to realistic and expressive forms. 

With minimal, essential text, the book is organized as a sketchbook with abundant images and practical exercises throughout. Included are step-by-step demonstrations that feature original illustrations from the author, photography of human figures, as well as art historical references from Old Masters.

This beautiful and utilitarian guide is indispensable and will appeal to artists, art students, and anyone interested in the artistic and scientific depiction of the human figure and human anatomy.


Hardcover, December 10, 2024, 208 pages


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Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art
Drawing the Body: Reading the Human Form in Art

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