75 Architects for a Sustainable World

Běžná cena
1 290 Kč
1 290 Kč
Běžná cena
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Filled with striking photography as well as design inspiration and hope for a better tomorrow, this beautifully designed volume profiles the work of a global selection of visionary architects who are reimagining our built world for the future.

Driven by the desire to reduce environmental impact and reimagine the possibilities of their discipline, architects around the world are creating cutting-edge buildings that make use of the latest technologies while drawing from time-honored, traditional techniques and materials. This book profiles 75 of those pioneering architects in stunning double-page spreads that highlight their careers and their most relevant work. Divided into chapters on sustainable materials, energy efficiency, innovative technologies, architecture and greenery, and the repurposing of historical structures, this volume showcases groundbreaking examples envisioned by architects such as Anna Heringer, who employs local craftspeople and uses natural elements to create life-improving, harmonious structures; Finnish architect Pekka Littow, whose off-grid structures are both self-sufficient in their use of water and electricity and inspired by a deep-rooted connection to nature; and Shigeru Ban, who is noted for his use of unconventional building materials, such as paper and cardboard tubes. Works by Mario Cucinella, Koichi Takada, Heatherwick Studio and BIG, and other world-spanning architects, illuminate the latest accomplishments taking place at the nexus of technology, environmental sustainability, and groundbreaking innovation, at a crucial time for our planet.



Hardcover | Jan 07, 2025 | 272 Pages 


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75 Architects for a Sustainable World
75 Architects for a Sustainable World
75 Architects for a Sustainable World
75 Architects for a Sustainable World
75 Architects for a Sustainable World

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