Collection: Lejaan x Book Therapy: Quiet Jungle

Nechte svůj domov rozkvést. Objevte vše, co nám příroda nabízí s kolekcí knih inspirovanou povlečením Lejaan Quiet Jungle z eukalyptového vlákna. Pro dokonalé jarní rituály doporučujeme pomalá rána v posteli s knihami, které promění vaši postel v oázu plnou těch nejzajímavějších rostlin.
Lejaan x Book Therapy: Quiet Jungle

Showing 16 of 16 products



Showing 16 of 16 products

Showing 16 of 16 products
  • Modern Garden, The Outdoor Architecture of Mid-Century Anmerica
    The treasures of mid-century American architecture have long been celebrated in photography, print, and even film. Le...
    Běžná cena
    1 432 Kč
    1 432 Kč
    Běžná cena
    1 790 Kč
  • Unforgettable Gardens: 500 Years of Historic Gardens and Landscapes
    A glorious celebration, this landmark book is an exploration of the greatest gardens, parks and landscapes in Britain...
    Běžná cena
    792 Kč
    792 Kč
    Běžná cena
    990 Kč
  • Outside In, A Year of Growing and Displaying
    The first book from celebrated garden designer, popular Instagrammer and advocate of English cottage style, Sean A Pr...
    Běžná cena
    752 Kč
    752 Kč
    Běžná cena
    940 Kč
  • Tulip Garden
    An inspirational introduction to growing and collecting tulips, set against the backdrop of a beautiful English garde...
    Běžná cena
    792 Kč
    792 Kč
    Běžná cena
    990 Kč
  • Book of Wild Flowers
    The perfect countryside and armchair companion to the wild flowers of the British Isles.Illustrator Angie Lewin and a...
    Běžná cena
    424 Kč
    424 Kč
    Běžná cena
    529 Kč
  • Garden, Exploring the Horticultural World
    A richly illustrated survey celebrating humankind’s enduring relationship with the garden, explored throughout art, ...
    Běžná cena
    Od 1 272 Kč
    Od 1 272 Kč
    Běžná cena
    1 590 Kč
  • Flower Pieces: A photographic journey around the world
    A new Old master - The digital flower still lifes of Bas Meeuws Bas Meeuws' photos are classically ...
    Běžná cena
    445 Kč
    445 Kč
    Běžná cena
    890 Kč
  • Flowers: Art & Bouquets
    Be it a single delicate bud in a simple clear vase or an explosion of colorful blossoms, a brilliant bouquet accents...
    Běžná cena
    2 690 Kč
    2 690 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Hortus Curious: Discover the World's Most Weird and Wonderful Plants and Fungi
    Celebrate the weird, wacky, and wonderful world of plants with a book that revels in the diversity of the botanical w...
    Běžná cena
    440 Kč
    440 Kč
    Běžná cena
    549 Kč
  • At the Artisan's Table
    Stunning contemporary tabletop designs inspired by historical decorative objects from the world's great museumsThroug...
    Běžná cena
    1 640 Kč
    1 640 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Flowers! In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries (poškozená)
    Flowers have been a popular motif in art for centuries. As the epitome of natural beauty and earthly mortality since ...
    Běžná cena
    1 071 Kč
    1 071 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Plantlovers. Neviditelná botanika městského prostředí
    🇨🇿 Kniha Plantlovers. Neviditelná botanika městského prostředí mapuje současný fenomén pokojových rostlin v kontextu ...
    Běžná cena
    699 Kč
    699 Kč
    Běžná cena

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